Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One of my many blessings

             so it has come to my attention that my friends actually read this...i was completely unaware but i suppose its good that they do? as long as they are reading this i might as well flatter them a bit. i will probably say this a million times, but i am surrounded by the most amazing group of people imaginable. i really can't put it into words. the Lord has truly out done himself. from the friends that have stuck with me this whole time to the ones who are just coming into my life recently, all of them are blessings from above. if you were to tell me a year ago that one of my best friends would be a Young Life leader [and you know who you are... :)] i probably would have slapped you and told you to wash your mouth out with soap. (maybe a little over dramatic) one of the things i have learned from this journey i am on is to notice every blessing from above. Clearly i am not perfect, there are times when emotions such as envy take over and i forget what the Lord has given me. But i always find my way back. I hope you think about this. Next time you see your best friend, or even any friend, think about how much they mean to you and thank the Lord for bringing them into your life. Once you begin to notice the different blessings in your life, you will look at the world as a brighter place, and you'll be part of that light.