Sunday, May 27, 2012

Testing my Faith

Growing up in a Catholic household and going to a Catholic school, church (and really anything related to God) was typically the low point of my day. All through elementary school i learned and memorized all the details and facts of the bible. i new just about every tale told, but something was missing. i knew about Jesus, but i didn't know him. he wasn't a real figure in my life. he was just another class that i had to sit through every day. As middle school progressed i came to the conclusion that the reason i didn't feel the Lord's love, was simply because he didn't exist. I know, i was ignorant and slightly stupid. But to me it was fact, God wasn't real. The next 4-5 years of my life could very well have been the most empty times of my life. the spot in my heart that was made for God was filled with drinking and partying. One summer day (2011) i broke down. i needed a friend. i needed someone to love me for the mess that i was. i knew that no human could possibly do that. after a lot of tears a a phone call to a Young Life leader, i decided to attend Young Life summer camp. At this time in my life i had a very deep hatred for anything Young Life, so the fact that I, "Lilly, hater of all things God related", was going to Young Life camp was a huge deal. i will explain what happened at camp in a later post, because it deserves its own to be honest.

In the Letter To James it states that
-testing of your faith brings you closer to the Lord
-you need to ask God for the wisdom you lack
-those who doubt will not be granted
-God cannot be tempted
-temptation stems from your own desires

i am living proof of all of these. I live my life for God. please check in soon for the continuation of my journey. Please feel free to contact my with any questions or really anything you feel i may be able to help you with  your own journey to the Lord.

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